Nishiki Market, Kyoto

For our second day in Kyoto, we again stayed in a traditional (though more economical) living space. It has futon bedding, a low table, and a view of downtown Kyoto.





The toilet has a great water saving feature: you wash your hands with the water that will eventually fill the water tank. Amazing 🙌image

Kyoto used to be Japan’s capital, and just like Tokyo, it’s filled with lots of great restaurants everywhere you look. We did some damage on this local sushi go-round.image

On our exploratory walk, we happened upon a pet shop with this little thing.image



Just look at him! Two months old.image

After the detour, our main stop for the day was a little shopping in Nishiki Market, a long hallway of goods and treats, ranging from souvenirs to raw seafood to honey drinks to matcha cookies. Some things, we had no idea what they were; some things were so good, we wanted seconds!

Here we have some exotic seafood on a stick:image

Here we have… something tasty (we presume)?image

And lots of fermented goods!image

One thought on “Nishiki Market, Kyoto

  1. Economical but comfortable. Good idea of water saving toilet. Oh No don’t even look at the pug otherwise you will melt. Can’t bring him home. So much choices of food. If I can’t read it, i don’t know. Well enjoy can’t keep up with your schedule guys but trying. Enjoy love ya both God bless

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